'Blue state bailouts'? Some states like New York send billions more to federal government than they get back

When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, expressed reluctance to fund coronavirus relief for

At my hospital, over 95% of COVID-19 patients share one thing in common: They’re unvaccinated

The Conversation is running a series of dispatches from clinicians and researchers operating on the front lines of the c

It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week, and communities aren't ready for both coronavirus and a disaster

Hurricane season is only weeks away, and many communities are only now considering how to handle a large-scale disaster

How coronavirus contact tracing works in a state Dr. Fauci praised as a model to follow

After weeks of keeping people home to “flatten the curve,” restrictions on U.S. businesses are loosening and the coronav

How many people get ‘long COVID’ – and who is most at risk?

A few months ago, a young athletic guy came into my clinic where I’m an infectious disease physician and COVID-19 immuno

I’m fully vaccinated but feel sick – should I get tested for COVID-19?

Imagine last night you developed a little runny nose and a sore throat. When you woke up this morning you started coughi

Video: Who controls pandemic data?

Editor’s note: When the Trump administration ordered hospitals to report COVID-19 data to the Department of Health and H

5 strategies to prepare now for the next pandemic

While the world is still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and emergency management experts are already

Colleges and the Thanksgiving COVID-19 risk: Fauci’s right – holiday plans may have to change

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, warned this week that families may need to change the

Here's how to stay safe while buying groceries amid the coronavirus pandemic

Wear a mask, but skip the gloves. Don’t sanitize the apples. And if you are older than 65, it’s probably best to still o
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