Schools can reopen safely – an epidemiologist describes what works and what's not worth the effort

Just when schools were getting ready to reopen for the new school year, cases of COVID-19 started surging in the United

Parents were fine with sweeping school vaccination mandates five decades ago – but COVID-19 may be a different story

The ongoing battles over COVID-19 vaccination in the U.S. are likely to get more heated when the Food and Drug Administr

The cold supply chain can't reach everywhere – that's a big problem for equitable COVID-19 vaccination

To mitigate health inequities and promote social justice, coronavirus vaccines need to get to underserved populations an

Our analysis of 7 months of polling data shows friendships, the economy and firsthand experience shaped and reshaped views on COVID-19 risks

Political leanings and community features predicted support of COVID-19 mitigation measures.wildpixel/iStock via Getty I

Can people vaccinated against COVID-19 still spread the coronavirus?

Takeaways:Vaccines can be great at preventing you from getting sick, while at the same time not necessarily stopping you

OxyContin created the opioid crisis, but stigma and prohibition have fueled it

The highly contentious Purdue Pharma settlement announced Sept. 1, 2021, comes at a pivotal time for the U.S. overdose c

COVID-19 messes with Texas: What went wrong, and what other states can learn as younger people get sick

The July 4 holiday weekend usually means cookouts and big gatherings in Texas, but right now, the state is facing a publ

Is COVID-19 here to stay? A team of biologists explains what it means for a virus to become endemic

Now that kids ages 5 to 11 are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination and the number of fully vaccinated people in the U.S. i

Emotion is a big part of how you assess risk – and why it's so hard to be objective about pandemic precautions

People tend to overestimate or underestimate risk. The pandemic brings this into stark relief. Picture someone wearing a

How to really fix COVID-19 vaccine appointment scheduling

If you’ve tried to get a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, you know how frustrating the process can be. People are spending
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