How the coronavirus escapes an evolutionary trade-off that helps keep other pathogens in check

Viruses walk a fine line between severity and transmissibility. If they are too virulent, they kill or incapacitate thei

The COVID-19 pandemic offers an opportunity to make a healthy shift in body ideals

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyday life for many people in both trivial and profound ways. Embracing pants witho

A direct recommendation from a doctor may be the final push someone needs to get vaccinated

Have you found yourself feeling frustrated when trying to convince a friend or family member to get vaccinated for COVID

What goes into the toilet doesn’t always stay there, and other coronavirus risks in public bathrooms

Most public restrooms are grungy in the best of times. Now, we have the coronavirus risk to contend with, too. There are

A mix-and-match approach to COVID-19 vaccines could provide logistical and immunological benefits

While it’s now pretty easy to get a COVID-19 shot in most places in the U.S., the vaccine rollout in other parts of the

New COVID-19 vaccine warnings don't mean it's unsafe – they mean the system to report side effects is working

Put into context, the benefits of vaccination still far outweigh the risks of rare adverse events.PenWin/iStock via Gett

How the coronavirus spreads through the air: 5 essential reads

Scientists have been warning for months that the coronavirus could be spread by aerosols – tiny respiratory droplets tha

State policies can provide clear guidance on when to put on and take off masks – with benefits to health, education and the economy

Although many people are eager to remove their masks, experts and much of the public increasingly recognize that indoor

For asthma patients, the novel coronavirus can be scary. Here's what you need to know

The new coronavirus’s ability to wreak havoc in the lungs is raising a lot of concerns and questions from my asthma pati

FDA panel recommends limiting Pfizer booster shots to Americans 65 and older, and those at high risk of severe COVID-19

The key scientific advisory council of the Food and Drug Administration has voted to deny use of a “booster” shot of Pfi
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