8 Green Pet Care and Cleaning Tips

"Keep your pooch clean with green.iStockphoto.com/Marie-Claude LapointeUsing our Fantastic Four list of green cleaning i

Tighten and Tone: 15 Leg and Glute Workouts for Women

If you want to tighten and tone your lower body at home, this post has everything you need! Were sharing 10 leg and glut

60 Simply Delicious Healthy Bacon Recipes for Every Meal

The smell and sound of sizzling bacon is one of the best things to wake up to in the morning, but we have to admit, it’s

Why does pregnancy cause you to fart more?

"Pregnant and gassy? Blame the baby!Bobbie Osborne/Getty ImagesIt feels as though the pregnancy stars have aligned. You'

What Is Hepatitis C? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, and hepatitis C is liver inflammation caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV).B