Laxatives, effective at relieving constipation, are intended for short-term use only.
Laxatives are drugs that relieve constipation by loosening stools or inducing a bowel movement.
Some laxatives are also used before bowel procedures or examinations.
Laxatives come as pills, capsules, liquids, foods, gums, suppositories, and enemas.
Most laxatives are intended for short-term use.
Types of Laxatives
Common types of laxatives include:
Bulking Agents: These laxatives increase the water content and bulk of the stool, making it move more easily through the intestinal tract.
They typically take 12 to 72 hours to work.
Examples include psyllium (Metamucil); methylcellulose (Citrucel); and high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Lubricant Laxatives: These make stool slippery, so it moves through the intestine more easily and quickly.
They typically take six to eight hours to work. Mineral oil is an example.
Emollient Laxatives: These stool softeners cause fats and water to penetrate to the stool, making it move more easily through the digestive system.
They typically take 12 to 72 hours to work. Examples include Colace and Diocto.
Stimulant Laxatives: These stimulate the lining of the intestine to propel the stool along.
They provide very quick relief but should only be used occasionally. Examples include Ex-Lax, Senokot, Correctol, Dulcolax, and Feen-a-Mint.
Osmotic and Hyperosmolar Laxatives: These draw fluids into the intestine from the surrounding tissues, making stool softer and easier to pass.
They may take 30 minutes to six hours to work, depending on the type.
Examples include Fleet Phospho-Soda, Milk of Magnesia, lactulose, and Miralax.
Laxative Side Effects
The most common side effects of laxatives are bloating, gassiness, and abdominal pain.
You should always drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated when taking a laxative.
Laxative Abuse
Laxative abuse happens when a person takes higher or more frequent doses of laxatives than are recommended.
Abusing these medicines is dangerous and can result in serious or life-threatening complications, such as:
- Electrolyte and mineral imbalances
- Severe dehydration
- Laxative dependence
- Chronic constipation
- Internal organ damage
- Increased colon cancer risk
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns consumers that some over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives are dangerous even when dosing instructions are followed properly.
Laxatives for Weight Loss
Some people take laxatives to lose weight.
However, research has shown the medicines are not effective at promoting weight loss, and they can be dangerous when used for this purpose.
Any weight loss that's achieved by a laxative-induced bowel movement contains little food, fat, or calories. This so-called water weight returns when you drink fluids.
Laxatives for Children
Some children and babies with constipation may require a laxative.
There are different formulations of these medicines made especially for kids.
Talk to your doctor before giving a child a laxative.
Laxatives for Dogs
Some people give laxatives to their dogs to relieve constipation.
Because of the risks and side effects, talk to your veterinarian before giving laxatives (or any medicine) to your pet.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
- Laxative Abuse: Some Basic Facts, National Eating Disorders Association
- What are Laxatives? How Do Laxatives Work? Medical News Today
- Over-the-Counter Laxatives for Constipation: Use With Caution, Mayo Clinic
- Use Certain Laxatives With Caution, FDA
- Laxatives, A Parent’s Guide, International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders